Dentures in Cincinnati, OH

Complete Guide to Dentures in Cincinnati, OH: Types, Benefits, and Care Tips

As we age, our teeth gradually weaken and may need to be replaced by dentures. Whether it is full dentures or partial ones, dentures offer a solution to people experiencing problems with their teeth. At Pearce Dental Group, we offer a variety of dentures to cater to the specific needs of our patients.

Who Should Get Dentures (Cincinnati)?

The most common reasons people need dentures are tooth loss caused by aging, gum disease, unmanaged decay, or physical injury. At Pearce Dental Group, our denture providers can evaluate your dental situation to determine if a removable appliance is right for you.

For many patients, dentures are a great solution to improve the quality of their life, especially if they want to quickly (and affordably) replace all of their missing teeth at one time. They also work well for people who might not qualify for traditional dental implants.

Conventional “Full Plate” Dentures

The most popular type of denture is the conventional full denture, which some people refer to as a “plate.” These are best for people who have lost all of their natural teeth in their upper or lower jaw or need to have those teeth removed for one reason or another. Like in instances where the teeth are severely damaged, decayed, or what we consider “non-restorable.” Full plate dentures rest on the gums and can be held in place by a denture adhesive or by creating a suction between your mouth and the prosthesis with a snug, personalized fit. At Pearce Dental Group, we provide customized dentures for ultimate comfort, fit, and aesthetics.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are ideal for people who still have several healthy, natural teeth left in their mouth. They can be made from acrylic or a combination of acrylic and metal and are held in place by clasps that attach to your remaining teeth. At Pearce Dental Group, we offer partial dentures that will blend seamlessly with your natural smile. They are an affordable option and provide great value for our patients, as they maximize the retention of the healthy teeth you still have! In some cases, additional teeth can be added to your existing partial.

Implant-Supported Dentures

If you’re looking for a more permanent or more secure solution, implant-supported dentures might be the right option for you. At Pearce Dental Group, we offer implant-supported dentures that use dental implants to anchor the dentures in place.

Implant-supported dentures provide better stability and function than removable types of dentures because they’re anchored directly on top of dental implants. With implant-supported dentures, you’ll have a more streamlined prosthesis that’s easier to talk and eat with, especially if you’ve experienced severe bone loss.

Depending on your preferences, implant-supported dentures can be “snap-on” overdenture designs or a permanent hybrid design. We’ll talk you through both options and discuss which one is more appropriate for your specific oral anatomy. 

Caring for Your Dentures

Removable dentures need to be cleaned regularly (at least twice a day) with a soft denture brush, an antimicrobial hand soap, and lukewarm water. It’s important that you remove your dentures at night when you go to bed. We recommend soaking them in an effervescent denture cleanser and then brushing them clean the next morning to remove any additional debris.

Even if you’re missing all of your teeth, it’s important to plan regular dental exams for us to evaluate your denture fit and screen for other concerns, such as oral cancer every six months.

Most Affordable Dentures in Cincinnati

We understand that any dental care, including dentures, can be a costly investment, especially if you’re on a fixed income or don’t have dental insurance. But at Pearce Dental Group, we believe that everyone should have access to quality dental care that they can afford. Our most affordable dentures in Cincinnati are available for our patients without compromising the quality of the product or end results. We provide various financing options that are designed to fit your budget and make your dental experience as cost-effective as possible. You can trust our team to present all viable options to you, help maximize your insurance coverage (when applicable,) and offer low monthly payment options that fit your needs.

Call Our Denture Clinic in Cincinnati

At Pearce Dental Group, our experienced team of dentists is dedicated to providing the best dental care for you and your loved ones. Call our dentist in Cincinnati today to request a no-pressure denture consultation and to learn more about our affordable payment plans.